Lily van der Stokker
°1954, 's-Hertogenbosch (NL) - lives and works in Amsterdam (NL)
Since the 1990s, Lily van der Stokker has been internationally known for her playful drawings and murals in bright colours. Van der Stokker’s cheerful drawings are made in bright or pastel colours. She often draws motifs such as flowers, curls and clouds. Van der Stokker combines these shapes with words or sentences that are very recognisable. Because of this combination of sweetly coloured shapes and short pieces of text, her works of art seem very easy and accessible. But that is only an illusion. In her own words, she makes ‘difficult art that looks easy’.
In terms of form, Van der Stokker, with her colourful flower and cloud decorations, is indebted to Pop Art. And through the use of text in her works, her practice is strongly rooted in the tradition of the conceptual art of the 1970s by, for example, Joseph Kosuth, or Lawrence Weiner. In a similar way, the text speaks directly to the viewer, but Van der Stokker asks very different questions than her (male) art historian predecessors.

Lily van der Stokker ran a gallery in New York in the 1980s and broke through internationally in the 1990s with exhibitions in Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; Centre Pompidou, Paris; and Villa Arson, Nice, among others. In recent years, she has had solo exhibitions at Tate St. Ives; New Museum, New York; The Hammer Museum, Los Angeles; Migros Museum, Zurich; and Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam.
Lily Van der Stokker is represented by the following galleries;
click through to discover more of her work: