Yngve Holen
°1982, Braunschweig (DE) – lives and works in Oslo (NO) and Berlin (DE)
Yngve Holen’s work expresses a sensitivity for the steadily growing identification between man and machine, body and consumer culture, where objects define us as much as we define them. His work reflects on how these borders are shifted and extended, manipulated and stretched, in both the technological and social spheres, where they encounter new ontologies. Consumer objects like kettles and water coolers are meticulously and clinically dissected; car headlights take on anthropomorphical qualities; CT-scanner components become futuristic portals to a new reality.
(courtesy of Kunsthall Stavanger)
Solo exhibitions include Kunsthalle Basel; X Museum, Beijing; Kunsthall Stavanger; and Kunsthalle Düsseldorf. Recent group exhibitions include Gropius Bau, Berlin; Museo Jumex, Mexico; Kunstmuseum St. Gallen; Musée de l’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, mumok, Vienna; Museo nazionale delle arti del XXI secolo, Rome; and Luma Foundation, Arles.
Yngve Holen is represented by the following galleries;
click through to discover more of his work.