Paul Kooiker

°1964, Rotterdam (NL) – lives and works in Amsterdam (NL)

Photography is emancipating. Many artists explore the limits of the medium and experiment with the interfaces between photography and other media or disciplines. Paul Kooiker has been distinctive for years with work in which photography is, as it were, freed from its traditional parameters. Kooiker can be regarded as an installation artist rather than a photographer “pur sang”. He is never after the perfect photographic image. Paul Kooiker’s work in fact always arises in post-production, in the selection and manipulation of his images.

courtesy of Tegenboschvanvreden

Paul Kooiker’s work has been exhibited widely including group shows held at Maison Européene de la photographie, Paris; Fotohof, Salzburg; Kumho Art Museum, Seoul; Arsenale Novissimo, Venice; Zabludowicz Collection, London. Solo exhibitions include those held at FOMU, Antwerp; Kunsthal, Rotterdam; Vleeshal, Middelburg; James Cohan Gallery, New York, Foam Fotografiemuseum, Amsterdam; Gemeentemuseum, The Hague; Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam.

Paul Kooiker is represented by the following galleries;
click through to discover more of his work.

Tegenboschvanvreden, Amsterdam 

Galerie Zink, Waldkirchen

Paul Kooiker

works by Paul Kooiker

Paul Kooiker - from the series ‘Eggs and Rarities’ - 2018

Paul Kooiker

from the series ‘Eggs and Rarities’

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