Calvin Marcus
Four-colour silkscreen on Avario 270gr paper
58 × 75 cm
Edition of 30 copies, signed and numbered by the artist
This edition comes with a copy of Calvin Marcus' publication Were Good Men
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about this work
This edition is based on a painting on canvas that’s part of a 39 part series forming a panoramic field of grass. Each canvas is an enlargement of a crayon on kraft-paper study, expressively executed in rich green oil stick over sandy brown grounds. The grasses are made with different levels of density, some so sparse that they begin to feel like body hair.
about Calvin Marcus
While the work of Calvin Marcus is not concerned in any overt way with his own biography, he is interested in artistic persona as it takes shape through carefully directed formal decisions and conceptual structures. The mixed-media paintings, sculptures, and drawings that result are notable for their iconic forms (dead soldiers, stylized self-portraits with devilish tongues, ceramic fish), meticulous attention to craft, and surreal humor, evincing a playfulness borne from variance among serial forms. Marcus draws attention to the pillars that support artistic endeavor as a whole, as well as the basic questions that often go unanswered when any artist chooses to display their output in a public setting. This has led him to produce works that also address the physical and institutional envelopes in which art is experienced.
(courtesy of David Kordansky Gallery)