Billboard Series
Billboard Series is a long-term art project in public space, for which every few months an artist is invited to create a new, site-specific work for a 50 m2 billboard. Located on the South façade of a former welding factory, Billboard Series takes place in the former industrial port of Ghent. This area is currently in full development to be reconverted into one of Ghent’s new quarters, after an urbanistic design of Office for Metropolitan Architecture. Through changing presentations, Billboard Series wants to build a sustainable and productive dialogue with the surrounding neighbourhood and urban landscape, reflect on the changes that this neighbourhood is currently undergoing, and introduce a broad audience to different visual languages and ways of looking at the world.
With each billboard, artlead produces a fold-out publication that contextualises the work in a broader artistic practice. This publication in an edition of 2000 copies is distributed free of charge to local residents and through cultural institutions in the city of Ghent.
Billboard Series is a project of artlead, together with 019. It is curated by Thomas Caron, takes place within a scenography by architect Olivier Goethals, and is being developed with the support of the City of Ghent and the Flemish Community.