Ludion is an independent publisher of art books and artists’ prints. We were founded twenty-five years ago in Ghent by the historian Peter Ruyffelaere and went on to become a benchmark in the field of high-quality art publications. Ludion can look back over a long history, but we also adapt constantly to changing times. That’s why we adhere firmly to the motto that ‘less is more’: instead of bombarding the market, we maintain a modest and well-tended list, to which we can give our total support. Ludion releases no more than a dozen new titles a year, so we can focus even more time and attention on them.
We started with the publication of prints in 2011: forty artists’ editions have since appeared (screen prints, lithographs and C-prints). They are produced in close consultation with the artists themselves, and are printed by master printers. Our graphic collections and our art books each follow their own separate trajectories, although there is certainly room for interesting crossovers. Our printmaking catalogue includes Belgian and international artists and photographers like Luc Tuymans, Kerry James Marshall, Hellen van Meene and Wayne Gonzales.
Zennestraat 34B, Brussels, Belgium (BE).