Camille Orso

°1990, Metz (FR) – lives and works in Brussels (BE)

The work of Camille Orso (previously Camille Picquot) is situated at the intersection of the visible and the invisible, where reality and imagination meet. Through series of photos and films, she plays with the dynamics between fiction and documentary. She intertwines the two, creating a story in which you never know what is true and what is not.

Orso presents her photos in series that gradually develop from photographic experiments, spontaneous snapshots, staged images, and as a reflection on the text she writes about and with these images. It is difficult to conceptualise the development of these series. Some of her images arise autonomously while others are carefully constructed. It is only after there is a large number of images that Picquot brings them together. Then she rethinks what the images mean, how they form a whole, and what is missing from that whole.

Camille Orso
Camille Picquot (Courtesy of the artist)

Camille Orso herself describes her practice as a centripetal force. Some artists start very small and then work towards a larger whole; Orso works in the opposite direction: she begins very broadly and then gradually zooms in until only a few images remain as a series. Some of the images she makes are created without much thought. Other images are made more consciously, but Orso always leaves room for coincidence. As a result, the viewer feels the tension between the documentary and fictional elements, between the spontaneous and the staged.


Camille Picquot has shown her work at FOMU, Antwerp; De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam; Wiels, Brussels; Marres, Maastricht; Artagon II, Paris; Été78, Brussels; and KIOSK, Ghent. Her first film was awarded a VAF wildcard, her second film just premiered in the official selection of the IFFR in Rotterdam.

works by Camille Orso

Camille Picquot - Slumber, from the series Salut soleil (qui sait mourir), 2011 – 2021

Camille Orso

Bird and Water, from the series Salut soleil (qui sait mourir)

Camille Picquot - Slumber, from the series Salut soleil (qui sait mourir), 2011 – 2021

Camille Orso

Slumber, from the series Salut soleil (qui sait mourir)


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